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Technology Selection for Disaster Recovery

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Disaster Recovery (DR) covers the technical aspect of the broader term Business Continuity (BC).

The Situation

It is amazing how many different technology groups offer interesting solutions for disaster recovery. Within each group several vendors offer products with different features.

The Challenge

The challenge is to select the technology most suitable for your application.

The selection process must be driven by your requirements and not by available product features.

How we can help you:

The Challenge
Our Offer
The selection Process must be driven by your requirements Using our Template for DR Technology Selectionwe will capture your requirements.

You will be surprised how many questions we ask and how many aspects you might have forgotten.
Not only business requirements like "Recovery Point Objective" (RPO) and "Recovery Time Objective" (RTO) and costs need to be considered, but also operational aspects. We have long term operational experience and therefore you can be sure that those operational requirements play a significant role in the selection process

You should not start the product selection within those one or two technology groups you know After capturing and documenting your requirements, the first step of the selection process will consider all DR technologies known to us.

In this first step we will exclude those technology groups which are in your current situation, base on your actual constraints not suitable and select one to three most suitable technology groups.

The next step in the selection process will then more detailed evaluate the different options within the remaining group(s).

Our Approach

We want to provide our experience as efficient as possible. The more you know about your requirements and constraints the faster we can help you.

Therefore we recommend that you start with the first step yourself, using our Template for DR Technology Selection.

If you get your selection done just using our template, than this is a great success for your project.

If you need more help, we would be glad if you engage us. We can answer simple questions per email, or provide you more detailed explainations and help in telephone conference calls or onsite.

In case of an engagement of more than 8 Hours we will refund you the price payed for the template.

Our Product for DR Technology Selection

Decision Template for Disaster Recovery (DR) Technology Selection

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